Thursday, March 19, 2009

Images From the Past

The black man in prior years has been presented as a fierce savage, a lost soul. He has been depicted in moments of utter weakness, a man in chains and therefore, completely helpless. In other words, black men have been depicted as in need of a savior!
We have been conditioned to see black people not as individuals but rather, a group with a collective mentality for irresponsibility.

The black man in the past has been recognized as deviant by nature.

The image of black masculinity tells guys that if they're not adhering to masculinity norms they're likely to get eliminated from the realm occupied by “real” men. The very moment a man deviates from the stereotypical paradigms of masculinity; his role is offered to someone else. It means that, if a man, shows a modicum of weakness, he is now seen as an outsider to the embraced masculinity.

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