Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Studies in Stereotyping-The Black Male

The African American male has been denied a full right to their identity through the ways that he is depicted and allowed to express himself. The prominent image that arises from this stereotype is that of the African American male as being hyper-sexualized, lazy and, overly violent. This presentation often elicits a negative response from the media. The media then connotes this image as being applicable to the entire black, male, population. To the media, the black male carries a violent, automatic, instinct that is to be expected. Such superficial assumptions then extend into society and how we come to accept the image of a black man. For example, I have to say that each time I am brought to an awareness of a tremendous crime, I find myself praying.....
"please don't let it be a black man". It is this simple prayer that makes me aware of the stance that has been given to the black man and, my visible fear that this stereotype may prove itself true. 

The gang violence that often heightens from prison to the streets

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